production n. 1.生产,产生;【物理学】(粒子的)生成;制造;(电影的)摄制;(戏剧的)演出;著作。 2.产品,制品;作品;总产量;成果。 3.提出,提供,拿出。 4.【数学】延长(线)。 5.大事张罗,小题大做。 6.电影制片。 a means of production 生产资料。 full production 成批生产。 pre-production 试生产。 line production 流水作业法,连续作业法。 standard production 标准产额。 go [be put] into production 开始生产。 make a production of [out of] 对…小题大做。
Fenwei paint small amount of polymer ethylene production, marketing 聚脂环氧粉未涂料的生产、销售。
The ethylene production of the two fruits emerged peaks after harvest 2乙烯与两类果实的成熟衰老密切相关。
A study on changes in respiration rate and ethylene production of fresh-cut apple 鲜切苹果的呼吸强度及乙烯生成量变化的研究
The supplementation of the medium with agnos decreased the ethylene production significantly during in vitro culture 研究发现,在ms培养基中添加agno。
The protective effects of ethylene production inhibitors on vicia faba seedling leaves under heat stress 乙烯产生抑制剂对高温胁迫下蚕豆幼苗叶片的保护作用
This indicated that ethylene production under stress conditions could achieved without nr protein 因此,胁迫条件下,胁迫乙烯的生成不需要乙烯受体蛋白nr的参与。
During the years from 1995 to 1998 a new enlargement project was taken to increase the ethylene production to 450 thousand t / a 1995-1998年对本装置进行了改扩建,能力扩展到45万吨年。
In ripening fruit a rapid rise in ethylene production precedes respiration to reach the climacteric ripeness : production of ethylene stimulates further production 成熟果实中,乙烯量在果实到达成熟期之前迅速增加,乙烯产物则进一步刺激乙烯的生成。
Its mrna expression is restrictly regulated by the fruit development, and its expression mode is highly compatible with that of the ethylene production of the climactric fruits 其表达受果实发育严格调控,并表现出与跃变型果实乙烯生物合成变化趋势完全一致。
Statistical analysis revealed that a significantly negative correlation existed between the ethylene production and the frequency or the average number of shoot regeneration 可以降低乙烯释放量,再生芽发生前后乙烯释放量与芽再生率和平均再生芽数之间存在显著的负相关。